This is a modest list of resources that inspired our founder over the years, hoping to inspire or help others to further the work of amplifying indigenous cultural awareness and compassionate self-sustainability and resilience.
There are many many more people doing profound work who are not listed here. If you know of other resources – organizations, books, films, websites, practices – that you feel belong here, please reach out to us at!
General Indigenous & Cultural Awareness
- Native Land Digital – maps of indigenous territories (in Spanish here)
- Light at the Edge of the World, talk by ethnobotanist Wade Davis
- Pachamama Alliance – courses inspired by indigenous culture to help create an environmentally sustainable, socially just, spiritually fulfilling human presence on Earth.
- Cultural Survival – since 1972 has advocated for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience.
- Songlines, by Bruce Chatwin, An homage to nomadism by a British travel writer.
- Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From, Ask Me Where I’m a Local, TED Talk by Taiye Selasi
- – totally free language audio courses. Note English for Spanish speakers, and Spanish for English speakers. Also note especially The Thinking Method Guidebook, which describes how to design an audio language course. Hopefully to be translated into Spanish soon!
- Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance Program (grant-giver in the U.S.)
- Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages
- Foundation for Endangered Languages
- The Story of Stuff – short films about the consumerist economy
- The Economics of Happiness film by Local Futures
- Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein, who examines how money affects our lives
- The Soul of Money, by Lynne Twist
- Life Is Easy. Why do we make it so hard? TED Talk by Jon Jandai (in Spanish here )
- The Continuum Concept, by Jean Liedloff – classic book about indigenous parenting
- Schooling the World – film building awareness of the colonialist nature of institutional education
- Carol Black – a blog about indigenous ways of educating the young vs. institutional education
Trauma and Healing
- The Body Keeps the Score, Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
- Complex PTSD, From Surviving to Thriving, by Pete Walker
- It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle, by Mark Wolynn
- Tong Len Meditation – Buddhist spiritual practice to grow compassion
- Ho’Oponopono – Hawai’ian spiritual practice of responsability, compassion, and freedom.
- Loving What Is, by Byron Katie
- Open-Focus Brain, by Les Fehmi. A technique to calm the nervous system and widen mental perspective.
- Barefoot Running, by Michael Sandler & Jessica Lee. A comprehensive guide to healing your feet and re-establishing our connection with the Earth.
Climate Change / Global Overheating
- The Case for a Carbon Tax by Shi-Ling Hsu
- Tshering Tobgay, TED Talk by the prime minister of Bhutan (in Spanish here)
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby and Citizens’ Climate International – creating the political will for a healthy climate by enabling individual breakthoughs in the exercise of personal and political power